Root Excavation

Mature trees add depth and value to your landscape. However, at times their roots become compromised by soil compaction, improper planting, or invasive characteristics. Since roots provide the primary feeding and support for the tree, their damage translates into poor health overall.

When people call us at Arbortec Tree Service about stressed trees in their Denver, Colorado landscape and our Certified Arborists identify these types of problems, root excavation may be required. Taking a step back, let’s look at why these issues occur in the first place.

root excavation in denver
root excavation in denver

Mature trees add depth and value to your landscape. However, at times their roots become compromised by soil compaction, improper planting, or invasive characteristics. Since roots provide the primary feeding and support for the tree, their damage translates into poor health overall.

When people call us at Arbortec Tree Service about stressed trees in their Denver, Colorado landscape and our Certified Arborists identify these types of problems, root excavation may be required. Taking a step back, let’s look at why these issues occur in the first place.

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Giving Roots a Chance

Trees and conifers carry certain growth habits and traits as part of their genetic make-up. When we provide planting services in Denver, we adjust our selection and placement plans to accommodate what the eventual mature plant will need. That does not always occur, however.

Selecting the right plant for the space: Roots extend well past the dripline (upper canopy) of the tree or shrub. This means that the large leafy tree chosen for its ability to shade a house might also do damage to the foundation of the house if planted too close. Even a mature shrub’s roots can lift a patio or walkway.

Compacting the soil with heavy equipment: This problem occurs on some subdivision development sites when mature trees are not adequately protected. Heavy equipment running over the root system compacts the soil, making it difficult for the tree to take up the oxygen and nutrients is needs from the soil. That soil also will not hold water, encouraging runoff instead.

Improper planting in the first place: Particularly in our clayish soils, trees planted as young saplings or seedlings in holes barely larger than their root balls can suffer from girdling. This means the clay hole acts like a pot would, causing the roots to wind around in an unending circle instead of penetrating the surrounding soil structure. A root growing around the trunk base can eventually strangle the tree.

Other problems such as invasive roots growing into sewer or other utility lines, and growth into a light topsoil layer rather than deeper supportive soils, also result in the need to dig up and expose these structures to affix the tree in a stable situation.

What Root Excavation Does

This specialized service is something you want to only trust to experts. Our International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborists in Denver, CO determine what type of excavation is required and develop a plan to save the mature tree with minimal additional disturbance to the structure.

Our high-pressure Air-Spade will decompact the roots of mature and root-bound trees to allow for redirection and soil additions. We expose and cut girdling roots that damage and hinder the tree’s growth. When utilities are at risk, we work with those service providers to find the best solution to save your tree while meeting your service needs.

When leaves on a tree appear pale or yellow over the full upper structure, it indicates a lack of chlorophyll due to a lack of nutrients. This condition, chlorosis, occurs most often in salty soil like that found in some parts of our area. As part of the excavation and remediation process, we add soil amendments to encourage pale trees to green up.

Call Arbortec, the friendly and professional tree service in Denver, to understand how root excavation can improve the health of your tree and save it as an asset in your landscape. Our Certified Arborists provide free estimates of services to preserve your urban forest, your safety, and your customer satisfaction.

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