August 22


4 Things Your Trees Don’t Like

By Noel D.

August 22, 2018

DIY, pruning, soil, testing, tree care, watering

What do you really not like? For some people, they hate it when someone talks over them when they are speaking. Other really hate the word “moist” or the phrase, “if you get knocked over ten times, get up eleven.” You might even know someone that hates talk radio or a specific TV show.

Everything that is living has likes and dislikes. That’s just the way it is – and your trees are no exception. While trees are pretty tough and they can stand up to a lot of different things, they won’t stand for everything (literally).

You might not be able to tell right away that you are doing something to your trees or for your trees that your tree just doesn’t like – but here are four ways to tell that you are doing things your trees don’t like:

4. When the pH Levels Are Off

tree stump
Credit: Franz Kohler
  • Professional testing is the best way
  • You can also get store bought kits
  • Remember to test regularly as it changes

According to the Farmer’s Almanac, the pH level of the soil around your trees can have a negative or positive impact on it. In fact, it is one of the most important indicators of your tree’s health that you can get tested. As a guide, you want the pH to be about 6.5. It can be a bit lower or higher, but this is the guideline for most trees. There are some plants that require different levels, but this is usually indicated on the tag when you purchase it.

If you are looking for ways to change the pH level of your soil, there are a few different things that you can do. One of the best ways is to buy new soil, but that won’t really help all the way down. Instead, you want to work with a professional to naturally and slowly change the pH levels. Going too quickly can be quite the shock to the tree.

3. When you use chemicals to kill off pests that weren’t a threat

Credit: Stephen Depolo
  • Never use insecticides without contacting a professional
  • Some “pests” aren’t pests at all – and others aren’t obvious
  • Sit back and see what happens for a while

Per ThoughtCo, “Insects that attack trees come in many sizes and shapes. The beetles consume leaf parts and inner bark; the aphids, leafminers, and moths defoliate; the borers consume wood; the gall-making wasps deform limbs and leaves. Not all insects will kill a tree, but the “killers” listed can be certain death when insect populations explode.”

What does this mean? It means that some insects that are bad for your trees aren’t necessarily obvious and some of the ones that you think are dangerous actually aren’t at all. You want to be judicious when coming up with a plan of attack for these insects. Contact a professional before you use any chemicals on any of your plants, including your trees. They can be dangerous for everything in your yard, including your pets and loved ones.

2. When Overwatering Occurred At Some Point

Tree with ice on it
Credit: Lise Vanesse
  • Typically happens in the summer or winter months
  • Might happen if you have a timed sprinkler system
  • Can require professional help

According to Home Guides, the following are signs of an overwatering problem for your trees: “a loss of vigor, yellowing leaves, leaf scorch and water-soaked blisters on the stems and leaves. Dig down several inches into the tree’s root zone, in the area between the trunk and the edge of the tree’s canopy. The tree’s root zone typically extends out anywhere from 1.5 to 4 times the width of the canopy. Very moist soil at that depth suggests too much water. A sour smell indicates that the soil is oxygen-deprived. Also, any signs of mushrooms or algae around tree’s root zone can indicate a water-logged tree.”

No one likes to be thirsty, but we also all know what it feels like to have too much water in our systems. While a tree doesn’t have salt levels that will drop, there are nutrients that your tree needs that can be flushed out by too much water. It also helps to introduce fungi into your tree’s system, which can suck all the nutrients from the ground.

If you see any of these signs, you need to cut back on the watering as soon as possible.

1. When You Cut It

Cutting a tree
Credit: Your Best Digs
  • Can take years to heal
  • May not act properly or produce fruit or flowers
  • You must use best practices and the best tools for the job

Your trees don’t like when you get out your rusty pruning sheers, or even worse some motorized saw and start cutting at the branches. This is terrifying for your trees (and for anyone who takes care of them professionally) because even one wrong cut can introduce diseases and fungus into the tree, which can be deadly. Improper pruning is one of the leading causes of premature tree death, which can be dangerous.

Why shouldn’t you prune your own tree? The first reason is that you don’t know the best ways to do it. Just like surgery, there are ways that you can cut trees to do the least amount of damage. According to Tree Care Tips, you have to be careful about cutting more than 25% of the crown of your tree. However, we believe that you shouldn’t cut your tree at all – leave the math up to us.

If you are worried about your trees or you see something that just doesn’t look right, make sure to give Arbortec Tree Service a call at (303) 466-3175. While you can certainly watch over your trees and love them, there is nothing that beats the practiced hand of professionals.

Header photo courtesy of Jörg Schubert on Flickr!

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